Me in the jungle on a rock outcropping.
Body surfing on a neighboring beach.
This bay is a short walk from Rocky Point. This is the bay we swim across after practice and before breakfast.A typical meal of rice and curried veggies.
So my computer skills are improving and I figured out how to compress the pictures on my camera so that it only takes a few seconds to upload. Stay tuned for more photos.
Cheers, Jake
1 comment:
Yes, yes, yes! We LOVE to see photos! I'm trying not to be jealous, Jakey. ;-) It's been raining steady here and it even began to flood inside Stasia's covered stall last night. Ugh! Just wet and miserable these days on the Portland front. What I wouldn't give for a stroll on that beach of yours, dining on fresh coconut. Yum!
My new year got off to a rough start, I'm afraid. Had to replace a water heater first thing, then take little Rachel to get spayed, then endure my first mammogram (which wasn't at all bad, of course, just time-consuming since I had to drive clear to Glisan and 102nd for it), then take Francesco to a specialist up in Clackamas who told me he likely has a tumor behind his eye and might not have a lot longer to live. And all of that was just LAST week. Augh! Doesn't leave much time to work (i.e., earn money to pay for all those things). So been trying to "cultivate more gratitude" in anticipation of good things (surely?!) yet to come....
That's why it's so fun to log on and see/hear about your adventures. A vicarious thrill, to be sure--plus the joy of hearing you so delighted with it all. Good, good, good.
Have you heard about what's happening in Kenya, though? That's been deeply disturbing for me--especially because so many of my friends have been hiding/fearing for their lives over there.
So seize this joy/quiet/sun/bliss while you have it, my man. Soak it up and marinate yourself in it! You'll then radiate it wherever you go, and for a long time hence.
Much love,
--chris (& soggy critters)
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