Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Learning to Juggle

This fall I took a CircusYoga Teacher Training and one of the things I learned was how to juggle. It's very addicting and since then I have shared my new passion with lots of people. The other day I had a delicious rice and curry meal with the family that I befriended last year and taught the kids how to juggle. First you start with scarves and then move onto balls. Kids and adults love it.
I have also been teaching lots of guests at Rocky Point. There is a woman at the center who is traveling with a hula hoop so we've all been having fun perfecting our skills. We've also made new hoops from materials in town and now the hula and juggling addiction is spreading across the Southern coast. Ah, I love the circus!
It's great sharing these things with people. The laughs, smiles, and playful child within all of us immediately comes to the surface.

Love and Light from humid Sri Lanka. Jacob


Unknown said...

Honey- I just love your pictures, the kids are great. i myself am learning how to juggle. i should be really good when you get back!

lots of love and light- Saudia

Unknown said...

Hi Jake - i am loving learning to J. I used to think it was just Silly but now i use it as meditation - watching mind and breath. Who wudda thunk? luv, Shakti