Friday, January 16, 2009

Varkala, India

Hello Friends,

I am writing to you from Varkala. This tourist beach town is on the very southwest coast of India just north of Trivandrum. It was a very short 40 minute flight over here from Colombo, Sri Lanka and then a 2 hour ride on a local bus. The bus must have been 50 years old at least, had no windows thankfully, and it's amazing that the 30,000 pounds of steel moved at all. From a standstill the gears rattled themselves into alignment as the bus shook. Once moving the breeze and sights were lovely. The brakes worked and although there were not any shocks on the bus the trip was delightful.
I must say that the more time I spend here in Asia the more I like it. It feels very familiar to me and I can easily see myself returning here for many years to come. I came here a week ago to attend an 11 day Thai Massage course. The class is going really well and I am learning lots of new things......which I'll share with all of you when I return.
So, India is definitely quite busier than Sri Lanka. Obviously there are many more people here and the sights, sounds, and scents are extremely stimulating. Where I am, however, is a tourist area and it's kind of wierd to be around so many white folks again. Beach umbrellas, people trying to sell you stuff constantly, coffeshops, pizza places, etc. Where I've been in Sri Lanka is the complete opposite. So, I'll be in India until the 27th and then I will head back to Rocky Point for the rest of the season to continue practicing, teaching partner yoga, and giving lots of Thai Massage to people. On future trips to India I will set off and explore more of the country for sure....this time it's just a little taste.
The sounds here are so beautiful.......a screaming horn, followed by gentle chanting that drifts across the breeze, then a sudden explosion of fireworks for some various festival that's happening nearby. Dogs barking, a mother yelling for her kids, another horn, and oh, it's prayer time for the Muslim population. At 5AM everyday I hear the prayer call coming from the local mosque, just as I do at Rocky Point. It is very calming and soothing to listen to. I hear it each morning as I wake. Then it's broken by a bus slamming on it's brakes to avoid an old man on a bicycle. The horn is used very differently in this's just applied at all times. The roads have few rules..the only one is to not be hit.
The scent of burning trash and especially plastic is always unfortunate and all too common. Then the breeze shifts and the smell of plastic is replaced by fresh sea air........followed by the very familiar scent of incense.
Many blessings and love from South India in the state of Kerala. I'll send some photos soon. Jacob


Anonymous said...

Hello Jacob,

I love reading about your adventures and knowing that you are doing well.

You'll have to write to us about how the people of Sri Lanka and India are responding to Barack Obama's inaguration...make the world feel alittle more united and small.

We are doing well. Ellie is going to OSU next year and is very excited. Doing very well in ALL her classes this year (she dropped her IB math, though, gave it her best, but was too nerve racking).


Unknown said...

Dear Jacob, I'm glad you are enjoying yourself in India, etc. You are one of the white people there, although you may not be cognizant of that reality! Found your comments quite amusing.....I, too, am interested in the response of Indians and others that you meet to the new President. Obama's Inauguration was very moving, and he has accomplished much in just the first few days.

Aunt Simone
PS If you are on facebook, add me as a friend, and you can see photos of Luke's baby on my website or his.....I'm under my new name, Luke is under his dad's.